Sunday, August 1, 2010


Isn't it interesting how there are people throughout your life that you become very close to and don't even talk to anymore? It's almost like you aren't even in the same world as them. There are people that I remember being so so close with. People throughout my life..friends...lovers...people I would talk to everyday, people who knew my fears and dreams and emotion. Now I don't know who they are. They walk through their days and I walk through mine and we are aliens to eachothers own worlds.

I guess it's a part of growing and learning who you want to stay in contact with. I've kept a journal all of my life..since I was seven and sometimes I like to look back on what I wrote a year ago today. Am I still feeling those same emotions? Is that person still important to me? Alot of the times they aren't. It isn't there. Moments and people are fleeting. It's a part of life that every single person on this planet can relate to. If there is someone out there that has stayed in contact with every single person they have been close with forever then I want to meet that person and learn their secrets. Or do I? The change is good sometimes. Sometimes those people aren't compatible with your new world...the changing "now" so to speak.

I have always had a problem with ending friendships or slipping away or losing touch with people..sometimes it's hard and sad and sometimes you don't even notice it, until one day something reminds you of that person or the past.

I wish I wasn't so nostalgic and sentimental. I could grasp the concept so much easier of lost closeness. Of someone understanding all of you and all of your world..and now you would awkwardly hide from them if you were to run into them in public (I hate small talk sometimes).

What if you had a chance to pick up from where you left off with someone? Would you take it? That best friend from grade school that always saved you a spot on the bus, that divorcee that held your heart in their hands, that significant other that made your head spin, that relative that knows all of the things that you got away with as a kid.

The world is so fascinating. So are the people in it.

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