1. Yoga Class. First of all..I have never ever found a yoga class that made me sweat. Usually they are peaceful and easy going. I usually use yoga for a good stretch before the hardcore workout. The yoga class that I just started attending last month is killer!!! Although the instructor has kind of a whiny voice I am truly starting to love this class!!! It really pushes my limits and forces me to work on my upper body strength. Wonderful! I look forward to it every Tuesday. :)
2. Paul Mitchel's tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner-thanks to mom for letting me steal some of her hair products I discovered this wonderful shamppoo and conditioner to help with the winter blahs of my blonde. :D

3. The song "The Dog Days Are Over" by Florence and the Machines--everytime I hear this song I can't help but be happy..and it never gets old for me!!

4. Time with the fam. Living with someone else's family makes me often miss my own..almost more then if I lived on my own. I've really been cherishing long conversations with my mother, picking on my brother, and play boxing with my dad..I also feel very grateful for Alex and Tommy getting closer in their brotherly relationship :)

5. Sahale Snacks! yummmmmmmmmmm...as an outreach worker you pretty much have to have a portable office in the backpack Volunteers of America provides for you. Sahale Snacks have saved me a million times..they are so yummmy

so the dog days is totally playing on my ipod right now...random but funny. i love florance's voice! glad u are getting in a good yoga class..i wish i was right now...i need a kick in the butt today for my healthy lifestyle...i just had a twix and didnt get in my morning workout do to the snow...anyway..i also love those almonds...yummm