In response to all you punks from my past that keep creeping into my dreams at night(which I know is highly due to the stress I am experiencing from all this change) here is a song for you:
As for the sandman..I would greatly appreciate it if I could please be left alone from all the stress and torments I won't let myself think about when I am awake. This morning I actually was relieved that I couldn't remember my dream last night. I don't know what it is, but all this stress and change has made my mind fight battle after battle and my heart waking up exhausted...sigh. I'm not sure if I need to invest in more dream catchers, but I'm so tired of being haunted by these dreams. It seems as though my nightmares get worse the closer the change comes...these are things I'm thinking would help:
-warm milk..gross I know..but isn't this an old tradition to calm the nerves and relax the mind?
-happy go lucky movie before bed..haha...possibly when harry met sally? my all time favorite
-icecream..because all that is stressful in life has always been cured with icecream
-and that's all ive got :D
getting stressed about all that I have to do for the wedding..eeeeek!!!!!!
i find that music on while i sleep helps..cause then it focus on it as i fall asleep and it usually amkes me happy...:)