Monday, June 14, 2010

Top Three Current Favorite Places...

Currently I have been in constant want of traveling..leaving..a vay-cay..getting away from it all and in three days I'm hopping on a plane and heading out to cali. In leu of this trip I decided to list the top three...of course I haven't done a ton of traveling but what I have done..I definetly have favorites. :)

1. Santa Cruz, California.
Not only are the people there friendly, tan, and relaxed with a hippie attitude and free spirited minds so are the trees. :) The trees are phenomenal here..the hugest redwood trees I have seen. The sun is almost ALWAYS shining and on top of having a glorious beach, forest, and downtown shopping it has a few choice friends that I absolutely adore from camp. Kara and Danny aka: Cupcake and Mowgli.

2. The Gorge in George
The open sky...sitting on the lush grass...listening to awesome music, and a hot temp with flowy skirts and a pbr in hand. (Although those pbrs are nine dollars!! Major downfall). It's hard to say my two favorite things in the world but music and the outdoors are really up the combination of the Gorge and phenomenal live artist is a dream come true. Also the contact high(not much of a smoker) of good ol' mj adds a nice touch to a relaxed afternoon. ha.

3. Manito Park
This park is full of mystery and romantic lure. The greenhouse and japanese garden are my absolute favorite. Everything in this park is mesmerizing and hits all senses...even taste..if you stop by the scoop before hand and get yourself a cone to munch on around the park. I love being around the little kids at the park that are astounded by the turtles, catfish, and ducks in the pond. Simplicity is bliss here.One of my favorite places to run, bike, or even just stroll. :)

Friday, June 4, 2010


Lately I have been having the most bizarre dreams. I think it has something to do with the fact that I have had alot of change in my life recently with the move and turning twenty-three and my job soon ending in July. Also, multiple people have informed me that I have been present in their dreams. It's very odd. I can't help but wonder if there is a dream world.

The subconscious is a very confusing and mysterious thing. If you dream about someone romanticly does that mean you have harbored feelings? Or does it just mean that your mind is curious and wondering about things that you would never let your conscious think about? Lately I have had very anxious dreams...dreams of running away or not being able to speak or getting caught or lost. It's all so peculiar. I truly think that the subconscious does alot of internal healing for us while we sleep, and this is one of the many reasons why sleep is so necessary. I really do think that our mind tries to sort out ideas, feelings, and relationships when we don't have our conscious filter on. It's almost relieving to be able to wake up and remember some of the wierd experiences you had in a dream. It's exciting and unrational and completely obsurd, the thoughts that are thought in a dream and it's almost reviving to the soul to be wierd and abstract and not always having to make sense of thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

I also think that people use dreams as an excuse. For example, some of my ex-lovers have popped out of nowhere to say "I had a dream about you last night." I mean sure, maybe they really did have a dream about me, but really I can't help but think..well this is kind of a cop-out.

I think that people are afraid to feel and say certain things in their life so they use dreams as a sort of way of expression, like a love letter written, but never given. I mean, it's wierd to think that I have gotten in violent fights in my dreams with people I have never ever stood up to or said anything against. I have also loved, apologized, and forgiven people in my dreams that in real life I still hold a grudge against. I also have cheated on alex about a million times in my dreams and it's all so wierd. What does it all mean? I wonder what Freud would say and how he would interpret my dream analysis. I can only wonder.

And those people that don't remember their dreams...I'm so glad I remember my dreams. I have learned so much about myself and internalized feelings through these thoughts floating and weaving through slumber.