Friday, February 18, 2011

new outlook

Starting my job working as an outreach case manager through Volunteers of America has been such a learning experience and a jump back into reality and into my true passion: working with a vulnerable population. So far it's been an incredible experience and I can't wait to see what's next and who else I'm going to get the chance to meet :) I am so grateful to have this experience and can't believe that I am back connecting with the chaos of the streets.

Last week I had the opportunity to go out with some of the finist of Spokane's outreach workers, those that work at Chas.They are both two incredible people with intrigueing stories. I always love gaining an insight about the lives of my co-workers as much as my clients. The woman outreach worker(name hidden for protection) informed me that, she too, used to be homeless and is a recovering alcoholic. The male outreach worker used to be addicted to heroine and told me some pretty intense stories about the desperate measures he took to acquire his much needed drug. They both are such strong and respected people in their community and have their struggles to help them and give back to those most in need within the Spokane community.

The two outreach workers took the other outreach worker, and I under the bridges, along the river, and into the campsites of those homeless and in hiding..trying to survive on the icy day we ventured out on. Some of the people we ran across were so young and it really did break my heart to see someone trying to survive that type of lifestyle...because that's what it really is..surviving..not living. No one should ever have to "survive" through life. Some choose to, though...some don't.

I also got to venture through the Shalom ministries and hang out with all the folk getting a breakfast early in the morning and trying to find support through the ministry. I will never forget the yearning, sadness, and addiction that I saw in some of the men's and women's eyes. I had to stop myself from giving everyone a hug and trying to hold them close and offer them comfort. The House of Charity was another stop, where I tried to get someone into detox...this was also increidbly heart wrenching...witnessing the desparity of addiction. ugh...onto a brighter note...I also saw some clients connect with the outreach worker that was showing us the ropes and inform her of their successes of getting into an apartment or getting into a justice program. This was inspiring. So much happened in one day..I couldn't believe it. By the time I got home I was exhausted and drained. When I crawled into bed I couldn't shut off my mind. I kept thinking about all those that were crawling under the bridge into their beds and I couldn't brush off the feeling of gratitude I really was starting to have for the warm comfy place I had to live. I am so thankful for my room and my comfy bed. I wish that I had the ability to offer that to everyone I met that day...

Just goes to remind me how much of a priveleged individual I truly am and how much I truly love the feild that I am in, and am hoping to acquire a graduate degree in. Fingers crossed for that next step...I've never prayed so hard in my life..I prayed all day for each person I met..I only hope that God offers some of the people I met that day hope and freedom from struggle. I love my homeless peops.


  1. wow i teared up trish! love u and your amazing work!

  2. Trishanna marie-- you have such a huge heart and a beautiful soul. It makes me proud to be your friend. There aren't that many people out there who have the compassion or the selflessness to do what you do every day. It's really, truly inspiring. I hope this new job turns out to be a perfect fit for you and something you can feel passionate about for a long time!

    Oh, and good luck with the whole grad school thing-- I'll be praying for you!
