Monday, July 26, 2010

Cuddly Coaches

Life has been incredible for me. I have gotten the freedom and breath of fresh air that I have been undoubtedly praying to God for each day I was at the Women's Hearth. I absolutely loved the Hearth, but I knew that my heart was dragging behind me and I was starting to get weary working over fifty hours a week and feeling jaded by some of the women's situations. Now look at my life! I have gotten the break that I dreamed of the last day at the Hearth.

Coaching soccer has been so so amazing. I am truly loving my job. I get paid fifteen dollars an hour to help children become well acquainted with soccer and improve their skills. I also absolutely love all of the coaches. I never realized how much I missed being around people that were as active as I crave to be. The kids are incredible, and showing them the importance of hard work, aggression, competition, and how to kick a soccer ball is almost as rewarding as helping homeless women get the food and needs that they need. It's a completely different avenue.

This week I chose to coach the older kids. I was feeling a little bored last week doing crab soccer every day and the simple drills that the little tikes work on. I wanted some soccer! Some scrimmage! Some games! So I decided that I would coach the older kids this week and already the time is flying by. I am coaching them with Tim, Gabe, Cahen, and Andrew. I also have realized how much I truly miss working with men. I have become so accustomed to working with women and being surrounded by women that I forgot how nice it is to have those guy friends at work everyday. Cahen is back this summer!!! It's so nice to come back to camp after a year and be reunited with some of the coaches from last year.

Cahen is seventeen and he looks like he's twenty three. If I had a young friend I would totally set her up, because he's gorgeous. lol. He is my bosses little brother and I adore him. He is such a sweetie. It seems like he is finding it somewhat refreshing to have a female around as well, due to the fact that his brothers are all "boy" so to speak and have that older sibling type of competition in their spirit. I saw him when I walked out on the field and a huge smile spread across his face. I gave him a big ol' hug and I felt relieved to have some of my old close to heart friends back. He's staying for two weeks now and it will be a blast. I kind of look at him as kind of a younger brother. :D big surprise...trish being overly motherly once again. Oh well.

Then there is Janessa. I love Janessa. I played indoor soccer with her for so long and never got a chance to get to know her. She just came back from traveling all over England and I am picking her brain apart every chance I get. She is so down to earth and easy going. :) Also..there is Gaz, the European friend that she had travel over to the states to coach soccer as well. He is hilarious and I love hearing all about England from him...even though his accent makes him somewhat hard to understand..which can be kind of embarrassing.

Then there is Andrew. Oh Andrew. He reminds me so much of Tommy that often I have the urge to scratch his back for him and ruffle up his hair like I do with my sweet baby brother. haha. He is a total sweetheart and is so passionate about his friends that instantaneously I feel reconnected to him although I hadn't seen him since last years camp.

Then Jaymes. Tim's older brother. He is in his late thirties and there is something incredibly sincere about him. At first I felt like our personalities clashed a little because he tends to be a little over the edge competitive which makes me feel a little intimidated. My first judgemental impression of him was that he was a hard headed jock that would be cocky and impossible to talk to about any of my views on the wrongs of sexism in soccer and how liberated I feel trying to go against the gender stereotypes being a somewhat decent soccer player...that is a...gasp...girl. Low and behold he is nothing like what I judged. He is kind and soft hearted. He also is incredibly encouraging and quite the leader. I feel a sense of ease and connection with him as a "big brother" figure. So low and behold it's almost as though I am coaching soccer with a whole bunch of younger and older brother. Which all in all makes me feel at home :)

Today was incredible. After soccer all the coaches got together and we spent the entire day at coure de lane and went swimming and jumping off of rocks and doing the rope swing. What a rush. Then we went out to dinner and all in all I was alarmed by how at peace I was with all of these people I had just recently connected with. Also, the trees, water, and sunshine were a masterpiece today. I love having friends that can keep up with my activity. The coaches at camp are always looking for a new path to bike down..a new place to play soccer..or a new place to hike or swim. It makes my heart happy because alot of the time I feel like I wear my friends out because I want to keep going! Keep moving! :)

Life is good. <3

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